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Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Penn, MIT, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Duke, U Chicago, Rice, Wash U, UCLA, Berkeley, Michigan, Miami, UT, Amherst
Just a few of the colleges my students were accepted to in the past year.

Thank you for being who you are! Your unique gift is being able to understand young people and help parents like us better understand our children.
Dori and Rob Kenneally

Danny gave outstanding advice and was patient and kind with my daughter. If you’re looking to help your child, Danny would be your first choice.
Dylan McDermott

You are so good at what you do, and you impact these kids very deeply at one of their first true inflection points as people. Thank you doesn't come close.
Amie Steir
About Me
I feel fortunate to be nationally recognized as one of America’s premier college counselors. As the first in my family to attend college and only the third student from my public high school to be accepted into Stanford University, my mission is to help as many families as possible navigate the admissions process. I am the author of The Ultimate College Acceptance System (St. Martin’s Press) and Top 100 Answers to Your College Admission Questions. I have also created college counseling programs used by nonprofits and Fortune 500 companies.